Exudate management: the small details that make a big difference

In this 45 minute webinar, Dr. Paulo Alves will show an in-depth presentation on how the presence of exudate can be used to influence the decisions that need to be made when planning the treatment of different wounds, using clinical evidence, high quality videos and images of his patients over recent years.
Exudate management: the small details that make a big difference
At Mölnlycke®, we’re always looking for ways to help you improve the outcomes for your patients and practice. In this webinar you will be able to have a clear understand of the composition and role of exudate and the physiology of the wound bed, understand the negative and positive effects of exudate on a wound, understand how the presence and type of exudate can help you create your patient’s treatment plan, and be able to assess the wound/exudate and identify the best dressing for different types of patients .
Paulo Alves
PhD RN MSc, Assistant Professor of Nursing and Tissue Viability, Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, Portugal