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Quando utilizzare Mepilex XT

Mepilex XT è concepita per un’ampia gamma di ferite essudanti acute e croniche in ogni fase di guarigione, come le ulcere del piede e della gamba, le ulcere da decubito e le ferite traumatiche.




  1. Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory. Method TM-390 Fluid Handling Capacity. Data on file. 2012, 2016.
  2. Gee Kee EL, et al. Randomized controlled trial of three burns dressings for partial thickness burns in children. Burns. 2015;41(5):946-955.
  3. David F. et al. A randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial comparing the performance of a soft silicone-coated wound contact layer (Mepitel One) with a lipidocolloid wound contact layer (UrgoTul) in the treatment of acute wounds. International Wound Journal, 2018.
  4. Waring M, et al. An evaluation of the skin stripping of wound dressing adhesives. J Wound Care 2011;20(9):412-422.
  5. Meaume, S., et al. A study to compare a new self-adherent soft silicone dressing with a self-adherent polymer dressing in stage II pressure ulcers. Ostomy Wound Management 2003;49(9):44-52
  6. Larkö A., Stryja J. A multicenter, post marketing clinical follow up (PMCF) investigation to evaluate the performance and safety of a soft silicone foam dressing and to evaluate the performance of standard care in exuding Venous Leg Ulcers. RedEgg 01 Clinical Investigation Report PD-496332 Rev.02. Mölnlycke Health Care, 2015.
  7. White R. A multinational survey of the assessment of pain when removing dressings. Wounds UK 2008; 4(1):14-22.
  8. Meuleneire F and Fostier A. Local treatment of heel pressure ulcers with a silicone foam dressing. Poster presentation. WUWHS, 2008
  9. Schumann H, Beljan G, Hoping D, and Bruckner-Tuderman L. Atraumatic dressings in fragile skin conditions: use of the soft silicone dressing (Mepilex) in hereditary and acquired bullous skin disease. Poster presentation. EWMA, 2005
  10. Lantin, A., Diegel, C., Scheske, J., Schmitt, C., Brönner, A., Jodl, H. Mepilex XT in practice: results of a study in German specialist wound care centres. Wounds International 2015; 6(4):18-22.
  11. Franks P. et al., A prospective randomised, factorial, multi-centre open trial to compare the performance of a new foam dressing (Mepilex) with existing foam dressing (Allevyn non adhesive) and to compare four-layer bandaging and short stretch bandaging in the treatment of venous ulceration. Clinical Investigation Report (MPX201-UK), Mölnlycke Health Care, 2003.
  12. Mölnlycke Health Care. Data on file.
Mölnlycke Chiudi

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